Canadian governments are not the only organizations selling narcotics online and delivering them via Canada Post. There are far more potent drugs than legal cannabis for sale on the dark web, and savvy users know how to order fentanyl, heroin, meth and more right to their homes. The vendors selling these products also know that thanks to a strange gap in Canada's postal laws, the police can't search Canada Post packages as easily as they can those delivered by couriers like UPS or FedEx—so our national postal service is the method of choice for online dealers around the world.
Where does this quirk in our laws come from? Why does it still exist? And why do so few people seem interested in fixing it—despite requests from law enforcement agencies across the country? This seems like a no-brainer in the midst of a national overdose crisis...but nobody's stepping up to the plate, even in an election year? And, is there actually a silver lining to buying the worst drugs online—where at least customers can leave reviews?
GUEST: Claire Brownell, Maclean's