Brett Kavanaugh was accused of sexual misconduct. He was also nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court. Days after she testified in front of the senate, Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford was publicly mocked by President Trump. And women grow angrier and angrier.
As the outrage swells, so do the protests. And the rallies. Women are coming together en masse in response to injustice. But this isn’t the first time. In fact, it’s just one moment in the hundreds of years of organizing and protesting and screaming in the streets, demanding to be heard. Christina Vardanis is the Executive Editor of Chatelaine, and like most of us, she’s struggled with knowing where to place her anger. With the help of a new book called Good And Mad: The Revolutionary Power of Women’s Anger by Rebecca Traister, Christina came to realize that rage can, in fact, be catalytic.